An Open Letter to the Guy Riding His Bike in the Cold and Wind and Snow and Slush and Rain
A “Now’s a Good Time to Buy Some Fat Cyclist Stuff” Note from Fatty: From right this second through this Friday, February 6, Twin Six is going to be donating 25% of all purchases of Fat Cyclist gear to LiveStrong.
So if you have been thinking about getting a t-shirt, or a whole clutch of bottles, or a vest, or a hat, some shorts, or some arm warmers, or some stickers, now’s a good time to do it.
You’ll be getting some stylishly self-deprectating clothes (or other accessories) and fighting cancer at the same time. Like you’re some kind of multitasking genius or something.
You’ll be both feared and admired by your peers. Because, after all, who doesn’t fear and admire a person who is so devastatingly self-confident that s/he is completely unconcerned about wearing something that says “Fat Cyclist” on it.
Or maybe you’ve wanted to get the wool Trainer, but you’ve been freaked out by how expensive it is. Well, first off, it’s actually below the MSRP, and the manufacturer isn’t all that excited about the price we’ve set. And second, with 25% — that’s $47.50 — of the cost going to LiveStrong to fight cancer, maybe the price doesn’t sting quite so much.
Oh, and there’s one Fat Cyclist item I think you’ll definitely want to pick up. Last year’s armwarmers — black with a white and pink accents — are on sale for $10. That’s way below what Twin Six paid for them. I think they accidentally added an extra zero to the order when they had them made and now just want to get them gone. At this price, you should probably pick up three pair, so as you lose them (armwarmers have an attrition rate similar to socks), you’ll still have plenty.
And while you’re shopping, take a look at the rest of the site. Twin Six is having its big annual Spring Sale, and everything’s marked way down. T-shirts for $16, 2009 jerseys are $45. It’s a good time to stock up on your ride and post-ride clothes for this Spring and Summer.
(Oh, and don’t tell anyone, but there are even a couple of 2009 t-shirts on sale for $6 [this one and this one. Madness!)
An Open Letter to the Guy Riding His Bike in the Cold and Wind and Snow and Slush and Rain
Dear Guy I Saw Riding Last Sunday Afternoon,
I think we can agree that we, as cyclists, need to stick together. We need to have each other’s backs, so to speak (although now that I think about it, I don’t think it makes very much sense for cyclists to ever be back-to-back). With that in mind, I think you owe me an apology.
You see, it was a very cold day. And snowy / slushy / rainy. And the roads were wet, trending to icy. No doubt about it, it was clearly not a day to go riding. And so, using the logic for which I am (justly) well-known, I did not go riding. Instead, I went for a nice drive up American Fork Canyon, just to get a sense of when it will be rideable.
The Runner was along for the ride, as we had a couple hours to kill before it would be time to fire up the grill and make burgers, for which I am (again, justly) well-known.
From the heated-seat comfort of the BikeMobile, I commented with authority and machismo, “Well, this road’s unrideable.”
And then you came around the bend. Riding. You looked up, smiled, and waved.
I’m pretty sure that your smile and wave were perfectly friendly, but if it’s OK with you, I’m going to imagine it as being malevolently smug, because that makes it a little bit easier for me to live with myself.
The Runner looked at me and observed, “So there’s a real cyclist.”
I had no response at all. Not then, not now. I’m 40 hours into a state of flummox, with no end in sight.
Imagine, if you can, Guy Riding Last Sunday Afternoon, how puny I felt. How very, very ahsamed. And, above all, how angry.
Yes, angry.
I’m angry because I now have to adjust my self image, from “steely-gazed, square-jawed, focused and resolved cyclist” to “fair weather pansy rider.” That’s quite an adjustment to make, and not a particularly pleasant one.
Thanks a lot, Guy Riding Last Sunday Afternoon.
And it’s not like this was the first time something like this has happened. There are other people who are like you. People who, in spite of the fact that I find the weather too cloudy / wet-road-y / cool / breezy to go ride, are going out and riding.
This has to end. Right now.
From this point forward, I would like you — and people like you — to please not go riding until I give the signal that it won’t make me feel like less of a man to see you out there. The signal will comprise the following:
- I will post something on my blog saying it’s OK to go outside
- I will emerge from my house, pasty white and fleshy
- I will ride my bike
That time has not yet arrived.
Guy Riding Last Sunday Afternoon, let me close with an appeal. In this world, we all have to accommodate others. Or more specifically, everyone else has to accommodate me. Please, Guy Riding Last Sunday Afternoon, don’t be so selfish. The next time it’s cold and / or ugly outside, think about someone besides yourself (i.e., me), and stay inside.
I think we’ll both be glad you did. Or at least I will, and that’s what really matters.
Kind Regards,
The Fat Cyclist
Comment by Clydesteve | 02.2.2010 | 11:48 am
That was me! Oh, and about my back – not to worry – Cuprachabra has it.
Comment by Clydesteve | 02.2.2010 | 11:49 am
And it was rainy and dark by the time I got home, and rainy and dark last night on the way home, and very foggy on the way in.
So I am having a terrible time. I think I am in an abusive relationship with my bike.
Feel better?
Comment by Henry | 02.2.2010 | 11:49 am
A la Lance’s Nike commercial. I believe Guy Riding Last Saturday Afternoon would respond to your open letter by giving you the steely gaze and then ask his mom to show you how to kill the coward within.
Comment by Pure Michigan | 02.2.2010 | 11:50 am
Don’t feel bad, Fatty. I heard a well-known rodent in Pennsylvania had similar outdoorsophobia today.
Nothing to get your skirt bunched up over.
: )
Comment by NoRacer | 02.2.2010 | 12:08 pm
Dear Fatty,
There is a snow storm brewing in western MD-should be here by the time I get off of work. May I have your permission to ride home? I did remember my studded tires today. TIA
NoRacer (Isaias)
Comment by Daniel C. | 02.2.2010 | 12:09 pm
Dear Fatty,
Living in Orlando, FL I am unfamiliar with this bad weather of which you speak. Please tell me more once I get back from my ride. :)
P.S. How did the 18 mile run go on Saturday?
From one perspective, it went great. I finished and felt fine afterward. From another perspective, it was a tragedy. Specifically, as a person who needs stories to tell, an uneventful event is the worst thing that can happen. – FC
Comment by Weiland | 02.2.2010 | 12:18 pm
Tell yourself and everybody else it was Jens Voigt.
Comment by Jeff | 02.2.2010 | 12:18 pm
As a fellow “fair weather pansy rider” I back you 100% Fatty. I hereby pledge not to ride outdoors until it is at least 38 degrees out (or 3.3 degrees Canadian).
Comment by kingsbridgedr | 02.2.2010 | 12:21 pm
Living in Canada I could kill Daniel C. in Orlando!! We don’t get to ride outside in above freezing temperatures until late March or early April!
On another note… If I was to visit Orlando (March trade show), where would be a good place to ride?
Updates on the Run?
Comment by Dan O | 02.2.2010 | 12:23 pm
As long as the rider wasn’t dressed in only a pair of shorts and long sleeve jersey like the one that I saw riding in Denver, while I was riding in wind blocking tights, and my heavier cycling jacket, which was not enough for the chill! That guy was nuts!
Comment by Hautacam | 02.2.2010 | 12:23 pm
I double-dog dare you (and Twin Six) to make up a batch of t-shirts with the slogan “Fair Weather Pansy Cyclist” on it.
Maybe a nice WPA/Soviet propaganda-style etching of a muscular manly-man clenching a bike wheel and looking out a window into driving rain.
I would buy a bunch. Especially if most of the proceeds go to Livestrong. Put the Fat Cyclist logo on the sleeve.
Comment by Jeb | 02.2.2010 | 12:24 pm
This explains the disdainful honks and jeers and gesticulations as I braved 20 degree weather for a lunchtime ride yesterday. Stupid me riding in the freezing, ice-patchy crappy February weather, and torquing off the rest of the riding world.
The upside is that The Runner would think I am a “real cyclist.” I can live with that. Please thank her for me.
Comment by Josh | 02.2.2010 | 12:27 pm
Did the fella look like this?
I find that wool, steel, and fat tires greatly extends my seasonal range. Then again, I am sloooooooooooowwww.
Comment by Banger | 02.2.2010 | 12:29 pm
It could be much worse. I have been training for a race in March and am starting to get to that winter boredom where it is tough to haul myself away from the fireplace and onto the Pugsley for a training ride. Then again, a bunch of guys in Minnesota just finished a rather nice race ( Then I think maybe I have enough for another weekend.
Comment by bikemike | 02.2.2010 | 12:35 pm
“well, this road’s unrideable”…is that kind of like, “you can’t get there from here”?
Comment by The Bus | 02.2.2010 | 12:37 pm
Well that wasn’t me, Fatty, because I’m here in Western New York, but I, and 7 teammates ventured out last Saturday in single digit temperatures for a few hours of riding. So if you had happened to be out driving around in our area, you might have seen us, and we would all have been “that guy you saw..” and we would have smiled and waved.
Keep riding, keep fighting.
Comment by Kathleen Lisson | 02.2.2010 | 12:53 pm
I run in snowstorms.
Comment by Mark Buckaway | 02.2.2010 | 12:59 pm
Well, I went riding outside on Sunday. 3.5 hours doing the Donut Ride ( here in Toronto, ON, CANADA. -8C (25F?) at the start of the ride and it warmed up to a balmy -5C. Some 15 guys managed to ride. On a warm day, there can be as many as 100.
Of course, up here in the Great White North, there is a lack of the white stuff, so the roads were dry on Sunday.
Don’t believe the other comment about having to wait to run in March or April from the other canadian…it’s not true.
Comment by MrsTeamPhillips | 02.2.2010 | 1:04 pm
Is it any coincidence that the acronym for “Guy Riding Last Sunday Afternoon” is GRLSA (that’s prounounced “girlsy”). As in, “What the heck is that guy trying to prove? That is so girlsy”
BTW, this sounded better in my head than when I wrote it down. But I’m posting it anyway.
Comment by NoRacer | 02.2.2010 | 1:10 pm
[Sung to the melody of "Slow Ride" by Foghat]
Snow ride, take it easy – Snow ride, take it easy,
Snow ride, take it easy – Snow ride, take it easy.
I’m in the mood, the weather is right,
Move away from the shoulder, we can roll all night.
Oooh, oooh, snow ride – oooh, oooh …
Snow ride, take it easy
Snow ride, take it easy
Snow ride, take it easy – Snow ride, take it easy
Slow down, or you’ll go down, need studded tires one more time
Holy, moley, snow ridin’ bike you’re so fine
{slide guitar solo}
I’m in the mood, the weather is right,
Move away from the shoulder, we can roll all night.
Oooh, oooh, …
Snow ride, take it easy – Snow ride, take it easy
Slow down, or you’ll go down, need studded tires one more time
Holy, moley, snow ridin’ bike you’re so fine
(Snow ride, easy, snow ride, it be freezy – Snow ride, easy, snow ride, freezy)
Comment by The Incredible Woody | 02.2.2010 | 1:24 pm
I’m a fair weather pansy rider and darn proud of it!
Comment by Jeff | 02.2.2010 | 1:28 pm
Kathleen – running in the cold and riding in the cold are two vastly different things. I ran 14 miles on Saturday in sub-20 weather. I would NOT ride a bike in those temps!
Comment by Cindy | 02.2.2010 | 1:29 pm
I had to do a ride like that last fall training for the Florida Ironman. I had no choice, I had to get a 6 hr ride in the weekend we had horrible weather. It was a nightmare. I’ve never been so cold in my life. I can easily run in sub-zero temps but riding in low 30’s with freezing rain and wind just plain sucks. Then again, I couldn’t stop smiling for days afterward.
Can you make me a shirt that says Effin Cold Ridin Mama?
Comment by JimK | 02.2.2010 | 1:39 pm
I’m a true fat cyclist, but I’m working on it.
Here in Toronto, it’s been a bit nippy (like -16C nippy with a windchill around -26C). Still fine to commute to work- there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.
Comment by Megan | 02.2.2010 | 1:40 pm
Have you told Jill about this plan of yours? It seems like she would constantly violate it.
Comment by justrun | 02.2.2010 | 1:43 pm
When I first started running, I’d go out in any weather imagineable. I’d say “this is Colorado, you have to deal with cold.” As I’ve gotten older, the temperature I’ll tolerate gets warmer and warmer, and it’s now at about 30F, no wind. I still felt pretty tough. I also have very cute neighbors, in their 70’s, who are avid walkers, and I shared this with them the other day. They have a Go/No-go temperature too. It’s 20F.
I am a pansy.
Comment by Dave | 02.2.2010 | 1:46 pm
Well now, I am glad we straightened that out.
Though the post does remind me of the classic Lance commercial “What am I on? I’m on my bike busting my ass six hours a day!”
Now that I think about it Fatty, suck it up.
Comment by Bill | 02.2.2010 | 1:47 pm
I ride in the crap because I love to feel smug and better than people in their cars.
You should have gone home early, gotten dressed, went for a ride, and let The Runner cook the hamburgers just to show her you are a real cyclist!
I hope you learned a lesson!!!
You can look at my blog and see different layering options if you need guidance – lol!
Comment by El_Animal | 02.2.2010 | 1:51 pm
Something like that happened to me last Saturday at the Flat Rock Ranch Marathon Race, Comfort, TX. Three days of rainy and cold weather, the trail had ice and then the sun came out. Muddy is not a word that I could use to describe the experience. My 29 inch wheels looked like giant Donuts; my chain starts to get sucked between the chainring and the frame, so after 16 miles I decide that is enough and DNFd. Only to find out afterwards that Lance Armstrong himself was racing and the guy won the freaking race. How do I look? First time racing against Lance and I dropped out? Oh man, Imagine telling that story to my grandchildren….I agree that “cyclists need to stick together”.
Comment by Mary from NC | 02.2.2010 | 1:55 pm
I am now totally committed to riding home in today’s snowy slushy yucky roads here in central NC!!! Thanks for the inspiration Fatty. I did the bus/bike combo this am but am cycling the entire 10 miles home instead of wimping out and doing the bus/bike combo on the way home…
Comment by Sprocketboy | 02.2.2010 | 2:00 pm
I was feeling good about riding in to work today at a mere -18C (or 0 degrees F, for the non-metrics), with a bit of snow blowing across my face, but was chastened by seeing at least four other riders en route. Of course, we have had so little snow here in Canada this winter that I am feeling my studded tires are overkill. The cold makes up for it, though.
Comment by centurion | 02.2.2010 | 2:02 pm
I’m a very proud member of the FWPR club. I don’t ride if it’s been raining the day before or may rain the day after. Remember, no pain, feels good.
Comment by drumchick | 02.2.2010 | 2:09 pm
This was a great blog for me to read as my son goes into his second ever road race.
The course is 44 miles and hilly. The weather forcast for the start is a temp in the mid-30’s with rain likely. Last year the course had snow. But I’m proud of my “real cyclist”, and will freeze my pansy fair weather butt off waiting at the finish for him :)
By the way, his race is the same day as your marathon. I’ll be thinking of you and the Runner too, and wish you all the best for this weekend!
Comment by MOCougFan | 02.2.2010 | 2:15 pm
On a totally unrelated note… any way Twin 6 can make up some more T-Shirts? Their out of stock. I was too slow last time. I’d like to add to my FC collection.
Comment by Cyclin' Missy | 02.2.2010 | 2:17 pm
I second Hautacam’s t-shirt idea. I would really buy that and wear it all the time! I love it! Pretty please?!?!?
Comment by Seattlegirlz | 02.2.2010 | 2:19 pm
Why do I instantly get pissed off when I see some one out riding after I have made the determination it’s not worth it based on the weather? Is it my excessively large ego? My true intolerance for others sharing my road? Or is it the realization/humiliation that I candy assed my way out of a ride?
Comment by Fat Cathy | 02.2.2010 | 2:36 pm
It is too yucky today for me to even get on the indoor trainer. How is that for being a pansy?
Comment by kingsbridgedr | 02.2.2010 | 2:40 pm
Toronto the “Great White North”? Mark Buckaway in Ottawa it is way to cold to ride outside for prolonged rides for months yet! Anyways, enough Canuck bantering… check out the post at about the Cyclo-cross worlds last weekend!
Comment by Eric Benjamin | 02.2.2010 | 2:46 pm
Wow, I have been reading for a few months now (takes awhile to catch up with 5 years of superblogging)and I thought you were kind of a stud. I am not so sure now. I haven’t stopped riding yet. Now you may be able to beat me on any race, but I finally have something to be proud about. I am tougher than Fatty …(well in cold weather anyway)
I make fun of you here…
Thanks for improving my confidence. Blog of the year for sure.
Comment by sprty | 02.2.2010 | 3:36 pm
Fatty, I would totally buy some $10.00 arm warmers if you had a size to fit someone other than Sasquatch!
Have them stock back up on the normal sizes and consider a pair sold :)
Comment by randy | 02.2.2010 | 3:41 pm
Well, a bunch of us awhile back suggested learning to ski to beat the winter blues. If you had done that, you could have gone skiing last Sunday afternoon, and when the cyclist passed you and the Runner, you simply could have turned to her and said, “Oh sure, if you don’t know how to ski, then yeah, I could see riding in this crap”.
Works great for Adventure Monkey as well.
Comment by Kelly | 02.2.2010 | 3:41 pm
I am a new reader and I am with you. Wind, snow, hail & rain….I’m not a postmaster! I’m a cyclist! Fair weather and proud. :)
Comment by Eric Benjamin | 02.2.2010 | 3:56 pm
Oh please Randy don’t make me crumble into a deep depression. I live in Kansas. Not only is there nothing to do, there’s no mountains or hills big enough to ski on. I must ride or sit inside and get fatter and more depressed about this terrible thing called winter.
Comment by Jake | 02.2.2010 | 4:05 pm
This story reminds me of a tough mtb ride I had in Seattle years ago. It was pouring rain, cold, and I was miserable. But there I was basically going down a river (trail was Tiger Mountain) and I see Brett Wolfe coming up the trail smiling ear to ear. Brett has one leg and was clearly enjoying his day. I’m a pretty accomplished racer, but I have never ridden up that trail, with two legs.
Comment by Miles Archer | 02.2.2010 | 4:17 pm
I was a guy out riding on Sunday afternoon, but since I don’t live in Utah, this guy wasn’t me.
Besides, it was almost 60degF and dry.
Comment by Kathleen@ForgingAhead | 02.2.2010 | 4:50 pm
If you lived and SoCal and that was a girl on a bike I would have guessed Charisa. She loves rain!
Comment by Jack M. | 02.2.2010 | 4:57 pm
Rain, snow, slush, mud… Nothing stops a Pugsley:
Comment by Troy | 02.2.2010 | 5:44 pm
I must be the ultimate “fair weather pansy rider”. Living in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, we never have this bad weather that you are talking about. If it is below 10C (50F) here overnight in mid winter, it is considered cold & I refuse to go out in the morning, in the dark. I just wait until my kids are at school & go out in the middle of the day when it will be 20C (68F). Now it is too hot & humid to go out in the middle of the day (av. 30C, 86F)so I have to go in the morning when it is cooler… not that 25C + humidity is cool. I lived in Ireland for 10 years & one of the silliest things I ever did was ride on NYE when it was 0C (32F) with snow by the side of the road. NEVER AGAIN!!! Fair weather pansy riding for me I’m afraid!
Comment by Dan in Sac | 02.2.2010 | 5:46 pm
I wonder if Guy Riding His Bike is writing on his blog today “I waited until he made eye contact, then flexed my freshly-shaved quads. He looked down and away, deferentially. We both knew who was the alpha male in the room.”
Comment by Philthy in Oz | 02.2.2010 | 5:58 pm
FC When you next experience a day like you described, I recommend you settle down next to the heater, adjust the dial to HTFU and then go out for a ride. ;-)
Comment by R A N T W I C K | 02.2.2010 | 6:34 pm
Open Letter to Fatty:
Dear Fatty,
As much as I love your blog, I can not do this thing you request. Please know that you have every reason to have a very healthy ego compared to me because I am one of those diehard commuter guys, although I do have some kind of nice gear compared to many. I have never ridden in a race or even in a group. One of the few things that make me feel good is my commitment to ride back and forth to work every day no matter the weather. I am not a carfree guy or environmentalist. I own a car. I will not, however, relinquish this thing that makes me happy.
It is with a heavy heart that I must refuse to follow your rules, because I do so enjoy and agree with so much you have written. I recently took video of a favourite winter commuting day…
If you have a second, take a look and pity me, a winter riding fool.
Yer Pal,
Comment by Marilyn | 02.2.2010 | 6:36 pm
Fatty, it took everything I had today to hold myself back from going out riding. It was starting to snow so I thought as soon as I would get 1/2 out all hell would break out with the snow storm but since I did not go of course it never amounted to anything. You know it is all about the bike as to not wanting it to get slopped up. Hopefully tomorrow life will be great with me out riding and trying to get one of the guys to come along.
Comment by Joel P. | 02.2.2010 | 6:43 pm
Boy, so many clubs to join from reading your blog. Last month IANDAI and this month FWPR. I don’t know what I will do with all this free time.
Joel P.
P.S. I second MOCougFan’s motion for more Team Fatty and WIN T’s from Twin Six.
Comment by sbarner | 02.2.2010 | 7:08 pm
Reminds me of the guy who always rode Sunday mornings, no matter what. One Sunday morning he suited up, went out to the garage, opened the garage door and looked out into the cold and wind and snow and slush and rain and thought “But I always go out and ride, no matter what.” Still, he couldn’t bring himself to do it and, reluctantly, closed the garage door, kicked off his cleats and shuffled back inside. He tossed off his cycling duds and crawled back into bed. Snuggling up against his wife’s back, he said “It’s really terrible outside.” To which she replied “Yeah, and to think my idiot husband’s out riding in that s___.”
Comment by Moabmedic | 02.2.2010 | 8:20 pm
Dear fatty,
I feel the same way. During the summer I’m happy to commute on my bike from Layton to SLC every day for work, but this cold wet stuff is just unrideable. And some of my coworkers give me funny looks what I pull up in my nice warm truck well rested from the extra sleep I obtained. As they stand shivering unable to walk due to frozen legs at work.
Comment by Sansauto | 02.2.2010 | 8:30 pm
So how do I get to work if I can’t ride my bike?
Can I submit this to my boss as a reason for not going to work?
I really enjoy riding in bad weather. There is nothing like getting to work and finding that your brakes have frozen solid.
Comment by Shell | 02.2.2010 | 8:45 pm
LOVE the “Fair Weather Pansy Cyclist” t-shirt idea!
Comment by Annie | 02.2.2010 | 8:50 pm
From a couple of Fair Wather Riders in Orlando, FL we don’t ride when the weater gets below 50 degrees. :) Great letter.
Comment by Lucky Cyclist | 02.2.2010 | 9:04 pm
So…. I guess you won’t be doing the Frozen Hog with Kenny and the cool kids this Saturday???
?There’s a LeMans start this year?(typed sing-songy to sound inviting)
I gots me a marathon to run that day. – FC
Comment by Bee | 02.2.2010 | 9:24 pm
Another vote for the hypothetical “Fair Weather Pansy Cyclist” shirt. I SO need one! I’m totally in that FWPC club.
Comment by Born 4Lycra | 02.2.2010 | 9:25 pm
Brilliant! I read the blog and thought wouldn’t it be great if the Guy Riding His Bike in the Cold and Wind and Snow and Slush and Rain actually responded. Then post 1 all is revealed it was an FC regular Clydesteve. It’s great being in the fat Cyclist’s world.
Now who won the Rasmoosen Bidon or is it a joke which I did not get.
Comment by Razor | 02.2.2010 | 9:30 pm
I recommend you move to Perth, Western Australia. Only times to consider not riding:
1) When the wind is up over 60 Km/h (35 mph) because getting blown into traffic hurts, alot)
2) When the tarmac is melting – because it is a bastard to clean off the bike.
As I said above – that is when you consider not riding.
Alternatively, you don’t ride when Mrs Razor threatens divorce etc.
Good luck with the Marathon.
Comment by ChefJT | 02.2.2010 | 10:00 pm
…and I was feeling pretty good about my 130 mile January (first time ever!). Started riding singletrack (first time ever) and everything just to try to impress award winning blog authors. Had nothing to do with trying to drop 50lbs this year. Really, it didn’t! I did get stuck in a snowstorm on an MTB ride this past Saturday (again, first time ever).
My most sincere apologies….I’ll go order a pizza instead.
Hope the marathon goes well.
Comment by Karen | 02.2.2010 | 10:14 pm
I see those guys all the time. I dont think “So there’s a real cyclist.”, I think “there’s a real idiot”!
Comment by Nick | 02.3.2010 | 12:02 am
“Comment by Weiland | 02.2.2010 | 12:18 pm
Tell yourself and everybody else it was Jens Voigt.”
If that isn’t enough to make anyone feel better about themselves then nothing is. Comment of the day.
Comment by Anne | 02.3.2010 | 5:02 am
I see those guys and girls all the time. What I do not understand why they want to torture themself in the very cold and snowing conditions.
Comment by Mike Roadie | 02.3.2010 | 5:26 am
Being from South Florida, I am KING of the FWPC. If the temps are below 60, or it’s windy, or there is a good chance of rain about, I do a Punxatawney Phil and run back into the cave for six weeks!
Hmmmm… I am wondering where I left my bike last Thanksgiving??????
Comment by Razor | 02.3.2010 | 6:23 am
There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
Comment by wvcycling | 02.3.2010 | 6:31 am
Fatty – Is your town littered with people wearing your benefitial merch? You’re an e-celeb, but what about in real life? How crazy is it?
Comment by Cardiac Kid | 02.3.2010 | 7:30 am
I may be a fair weather pansy but I’m the toughest kid on the trainer.
Comment by FF | 02.3.2010 | 8:21 am
Hey Fatty, any idea when the FC jerseys/ arm warmers, etc, stock will be resupplied?
Comment by DrBryce | 02.3.2010 | 8:59 am
I’m in on the T6 order! Thanks for the heads-up on the Sale for 2 reasons: additional monies to the LAF and rockin’ the heavyweight horsepower accessories!
By the way, love the comment about “that’s a REAL rider!” Ouch!
Comment by the 7msn ranch | 02.3.2010 | 9:12 am
I think you could probably turn this post into one of those Budweiser “Real Men of Genius” radio spots.
Comment by thornie99 | 02.3.2010 | 10:31 am
Hey Fatty, you big girls blouse.
There is a chap here in the UK who is going to swin the Atlantic Ocean to Canada. Run through Canada and Alaska across the pack ice that is the Bering Strait and then cycle through Siberia all for good causes. We breed some very strong chaps in the UK. If you have any spare arm warmers I’m sure he will appreciate them.
Comment by Brandon | 02.3.2010 | 11:40 am
Just ask yourself, what would Andy Hampsten do?
Ride. It only looks cold.
Comment by tommysail | 02.3.2010 | 12:45 pm
As a parent, I believe the following: If I ride, it is to maintain the health of the breadwinner an insure the success of the family unit. If you ride it is because you willingly flaunt your responsibilities. I bravely face the wind and cold only when it is safe to do so. You of course ride in unsafe conditions only because you are an attention starved martyr. What I would have done is rolled down my window and told the guy that I want the nails when he comes down off the cross.
Comment by Barb Douglas | 02.3.2010 | 12:51 pm
I too would buy a Fair Weather Pancy Cyclist shirt if you made them up. Would also buy a Twin Six Fatty shirt if you had some in stock small enough to fit me!!
Comment by Doug (WAY upstate NY) | 02.3.2010 | 3:01 pm
Laughed all the way through……….
Comment by kentucky joe | 02.3.2010 | 6:26 pm
wow, I always think that when I see someone out riding in weather I do not consider rideable….and I always thought it was my ego that was bruised, now I know it was just my “fair weather pansy rider” side showing it’s ugly self. I find no comfort in learning of this and I ask that we never speak of it again.
good luck with your 26.2
Comment by BionicCyclist | 02.3.2010 | 11:30 pm
Being from Norway, I used to bike in snow and slush all the time. When I first got into cycling I purchased my first bike in mid January and biked my first race in June. I`d say we had around 400 days with snow that winter and spring.
Now adays I live in Southern Nevada and am bout to prepare for a 200-mile ride in September. I haven`t even been on a bike in 13 years or so. I`m looking forward to long days with no snow, but with three digit temps instead.
Comment by Jenn | 02.4.2010 | 3:08 am
I use my bike to get to and from the gym right now, and that’s all. I haven’t been to the gym in 10 days becuase of weather, first snow and then yesterday monsoons. About four in the afternoon, I looked out the front window to see an 80+ year old man whiz by, one frail bony hand on the handlebars, one holding his umbrella. These Germans put me to shame.
Comment by Paul | 02.4.2010 | 7:48 am
>“So there’s a real cyclist.”
Oh that burns, doesn’t it?
worse that he smiled and waved! the *nerve*!
Comment by Marrock | 02.4.2010 | 10:45 am
I’ve ridden in rain, snow, sleet, and slush while pulling a trailer loaded with about 140 lbs. of groceries countless times over the past several years.
You make it sound like a bit of off weather is a big deal.
Comment by Marrock | 02.4.2010 | 10:48 am
@the 7msn ranch:
Comment by Sean | 02.4.2010 | 1:36 pm
I’m 41 I have been training hard out for a number of years and feel that I am quite a good cyclist. Last year I was riding in a race and at the 100km mark two older women possibly the same age as my mum passed me at substantial speed(they were actually chatting to each other at the time ). As they progress up the road never to be seen again I noticed that the legs of the led rider looked different. It suddenly dawned on me she was a double amputee and the legs were actually prosthetics! My ambition of becoming the next Lance Armstrong was suddenly shelved.
Comment by Ted | 02.5.2010 | 12:53 pm
I bet his legs were hairy too.
Comment by Robbo | 02.5.2010 | 6:36 pm
Hand up… I am a screaming, pansy-eating, pansy-pant-wearing pansy. I live in eastern Australia, and I won’t go out at either 5.30am or at anything under 10 deg C. I do have plans to change that this year, though… and I can ride in 40 deg C reasonably comfortably, so that’s a small plus.
Comment by Out of town and out of my mind. | 02.7.2010 | 7:01 pm
“(although now that I think about it, I don’t think it makes very much sense for cyclists to ever be back-to-back”…
Back to back tandem recumbent. I saw one of these. So you can’t make any more comments about cyclists and making sense.
I hate to comment so late in the thread but some of us have been outside cycling.
Comment by Heidi Swift - Grit and Glimmer | 02.9.2010 | 5:38 pm
I must say that I, too, have seen a back-to-back tandem. In fact, I was in a “race” with it.
There is even video evidence.
Comment by kramon | 02.13.2010 | 1:03 am
if you ride in Flanders you get Flandriens…
even if the riders are Brits