A Few Short Things, Cuz Monday is Swamped-Day

03.30.2015 | 12:02 pm

Hey there. I had hoped to finish my race report today. I really really did. No really, I did.

But I haven’t, because I just discovered that I have a day job and it pays the bills and right now I’m doing a few things I need to in order to keep my life from descending into utter chaos, until such time when this blog makes me rich beyond my wildest dreams (should be any day now).

So, here’s what’s going to happen right now in this very short blog post:

  1. I’m going to write an introduction explaining why I’m not writing the conclusion to my race.
  2. I’m going to begin a numbered list.
  3. I’m going to create an extraordinarily self-referential third item in aforementioned list.
  4. I’m going to remind you to go buy a 2015 Fat Cyclist jersey before the pre-order ends.
  5. I’m going to tell you about something really great that happened last weekend.

I think this is a good plan…possibly one that I can succesfully execute during my lunch break


Hey, Buy a Jersey Already

The 2015 Fat Cyclist gear is available for pre-order now. It will be — and this is not hyperbole — the best-made, most-comfortable gear I have ever made available. I recommend getting the Race Fit jersey if you want the best warm-weather jersey you’ve ever owned. Buy it a size up if you don’t want it to be skin-tight.

Also, for the love of all that’s good in the world, get yourself a pair of the bib shorts. See, up until recently I have been wearing Rapha bibs because they’re so great. Now I’m wearing these, because they’re every bit as comfortable, with just as good a chamois, but cost half as much.

Finally, if you should get yourself the long-sleeve jersey. Why? Because this is an incredibly nice jersey at a crazy-good price. I have this jersey, and it is the best long sleeved jersey I have ever owned. If you ride in cool weather, you should get it.

There. Three things you should get. Not just because the design this year is great (it is). Not just because the proceeds are going to World Bicycle Relief. But because I am giving you a screaming deal on top-quality gear.

Shop for all my stuff here: http://www.dnacycling.biz/fatcyclist/

Coolest Thing That Has Ever Happened On A Ride

Last Saturday, The Hammer and I went  on a long training ride with my niece Lindsey and her boyfriend, Ben.

About a third of the way through the ride, he proposed to her.

IMG 1760

She said yes. 


  1. Comment by s dot r | 03.30.2015 | 12:10 pm

    AW. Congrats to Lindsey and Ben!

  2. Comment by MattC | 03.30.2015 | 12:27 pm

    I like how Lindsey is pushing out the ring for the picture! Way to go Ben…well played sir!

  3. Comment by Velomoze | 03.30.2015 | 1:13 pm

    Best ride report you have ever done.

  4. Comment by wharton_crew | 03.30.2015 | 1:48 pm

    Congrats to Lindsey! Do my eyes deceive me, or does she sport a Utah State University riding kit? I gotta get me one of those – although they may cringe at the thought of me repping one of their kits. ;-)

  5. Comment by Brian Ogilvie | 03.30.2015 | 2:42 pm

    Congrats to the happy couple! Am I the only one thinking that if she had said “no,” the remaining two-thirds of the ride would have been *really* awkward?

  6. Comment by J | 03.30.2015 | 5:38 pm

    I attempted a nice proposal on a bike ride before. I forgot my jersey and water bottle but remembered the ring. Thankfully, she said “Yes” despite my forgetfulness. I’m sure Fatty can come up with another “disorder” with all the other symptoms I displayed that day.

  7. Comment by spaceyace | 03.30.2015 | 7:12 pm

    Aw, congrats to them! What a beautiful setting for an engagement. (Ah, to be young and in love… and in shape…)

  8. Comment by Mark | 03.30.2015 | 7:48 pm

    I’m going to buy at least one fatty item, but now I need your help, plus it is an idea for a blog post from you. When I buy a jersey, I will have something like 15 biking jerseys that I’ve gotten buy buying, riding in events, gifts, from my company, etc. In like 15 years of riding, I think I’ve had one zipper break and one that was almost all white that just got too gross. Other than that, as far as I can tell, these things never wear out. So, my question/blog idea is, “how many bike jerseys is enough and what criteria do you use to get rid of one”?

  9. Comment by Libby | 03.30.2015 | 9:13 pm

    Mark, you don’t get rid of them, you make a quilt with them!

  10. Comment by Mark in Bremerton | 03.30.2015 | 9:17 pm

    Congrats to the newly engaged!

    @Brian Olgivie, I’ll bet the rest of THIS ride was a little awkward as well – concentration on riding just shot to he!!. Do you now drop her, or let her drop you (or try to hang with her as the case may be)? Who’s now leading the ride?

    Totally changed dynamic!

    Still for sure one ride that they will never forget.

    They mostly rode together, though occasionally one would drop the other on a climb. The important thing is, they stuck together in the 25 miles of headwind we had to cope with at the end of the ride. They got through that nightmare, so I figure they can get through anything. – FC

  11. Comment by Amy Thompson | 03.30.2015 | 9:36 pm

    Can Lisa or any of the other ladies help me with sizes? According to measurements, I should be a 3XL shorts. I wear a size 8 pants normally so a tripleXL is hard for me to order.
    Any advice?

  12. Comment by Jeff Bike | 03.31.2015 | 8:48 am

    Oh that is so sweet!
    May all your rides in life be enjoyable.

    Some friends of mine did the same thing. They got engaged on a group ride at Guadalupe state park (TX). We all knew what was going to happen. She suspected some thing was up but she was not sure what until they sat down on a big rock by the river.

  13. Comment by Heidi | 03.31.2015 | 11:56 am

    Yaaaaaaay! Best wishes to Lindsey and Ben.

  14. Comment by Hamer | 03.31.2015 | 3:59 pm

    That’s a sweet picture!

  15. Comment by Tristan | 04.1.2015 | 7:16 am

    Anyone (FC?) know how the sizing of the new gear compares to the Twin6 stuff? I know what shirt size I take with T6 and, not living in the US, wouldn’t want to have to return a shirt if the new stuff is different.


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