The Way of the Mountain Turtle

12.26.2005 | 6:19 pm

Last week, Rocky asked me why I like endurance biking. My answer’s pretty complex. I like planning for a big ride. I like being with my friends during a big ride. I like being in the middle of nowhere. I like that I seem to be able to suffer with style during a big ride.
But the biggest reason is: I like to tell stories about the ride afterward.
And in the same way I like to tell stories about an endurance ride, I like reading others’ stories, especially about rides I’d like to do if I had the time (or ability).
Kent Peterson, who works at Sammamish Valley Cycle, has written just such a story: "The Way of the Mountain Turtle: Single-speeding the Great Divide Mountain Bike Race." It’s a long race, and Kent’s gone to a lot of effort to tell the story thoroughly — it’s about 25 pages long.
If you’ve got a little extra time during the holiday and are in the mood for a great story by a great guy, I think this may be just what you’re looking for.


  1. Comment by Unknown | 12.26.2005 | 8:05 pm

    You mean it isn’t for the chicks? Because my friend Bill, who has talked me into committing to a couple rides in the brevet series, says there are lots of hot chicks waiting at the end of really long endurance ride, and the longer the ride, the more hot chicks there are waiting at the end, and the hotter they are. Because if there’s no hot chicks, there’s no way in hell I’m going to shave my legs, watch my diet (i.e. suck weight) for six months, ride hour after crappy sweaty hour on the indoor trainer, do incredibly painful leg-burning high rep lifts, and eat all that ‘orrible road food like Clif bars for nothing, only to top it off with 200 and 400k rides. There’s gotta be lots of hot chicks at the end. Right? Hey, you’re just putting me on, right Fatty? Yeah, that must be it. It’s a joke, isn’t it? Nobody would put themselves through all that just for some stories. There must be hot chicks… That’s it! You don’t want to share the hot chicks with the rest of us. Well tough! I’m going to do my brevets this summer, and stake my claim. What a joker you are! I’m ROTFLMAO.

  2. Comment by Fat Cyclist | 12.26.2005 | 8:38 pm

    my error, al. sorry about that. it’s the stories, and the hot chicks. there’s nothing hot chicks dig more than a stinky, dirty, exhausted guy.

  3. Comment by tayfuryagci | 12.26.2005 | 9:10 pm

    this is indeed a very cool story. but after he clearly stated he heard the turtle sing, I understood that he reads lotsa Stephen King, especially The Dark Tower series. the best cycling adventure I’ve ever read. cool, tales of watselands and rural areas, forests and mountain passes, camping and riding in the middle of nowhere all night. just awesome.

  4. Comment by AO | 12.26.2005 | 9:30 pm

    that is a good story. this time of year, i like this one by kent, too: reminds me of you, fatty…

  5. Comment by Unknown | 12.26.2005 | 11:50 pm

    Dirty, I’ll buy. They will put up with stinky, but don’t long tolerate the exhausted part though, in my somewhat limited experience… all the reason to ride more! Be more fit, ergo less stinky and less exhausted! Albeit just as dirty! Help me! I can’t stop using exclamation points!Thanks for this link (and the earlier links) to Kent Peterson’s site. All of his stories are interesting, and most of his observations are trenchant. Not to mention the fact that he does some pretty amazing rides.

  6. Comment by Unknown | 12.27.2005 | 8:32 am

    So how is your waistline travelling after the holidays???Have enjoyed reading your blog this year. All the best for 2006.

  7. Comment by tayfuryagci | 12.27.2005 | 1:55 pm

    hey Al, whats with thehot chicks stuff? werent you married? :D


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