Greetings from Utah Valley Imaging

07.17.2008 | 1:30 pm

Greetings from Utah Valley Imaging

Originally uploaded by Fat Cyclist.

You know, you can get good at anything if you practice a lot. This is
true even of scheduling doctor appointments and tests. And that’s why
even though Susan was scheduled to see a vascular specialist on August
15, I got her in to see him yesterday. And that’s why Susan’s getting
a bunch of MRIs right now instead of a week from now.

I’ve learned to navigate the medical beauracracy.


With any luck we’ll soon have a plan fir how to help Susan overcome
the increasing numbness and immobility in her legs.


  1. Comment by Robb Sutton (198) | 07.17.2008 | 1:37 pm

    Great job on getting the early appointment. Hopefully things get figured out…prayers from our end for sure.

  2. Comment by Jeff | 07.17.2008 | 1:44 pm

    I congratulate you on your cat-like maneuvering through the labyrinth that is the modern health care system.
    Here’s hoping for good news!

  3. Comment by KanyonKris | 07.17.2008 | 1:45 pm

    Medical Scheduling Ninja, formerly known as Fat Cyclist.

    From the picture of Utah Valley Imaging in it’s strip-mall-ish setting I thought maybe you were getting custom printed T-shirts.

  4. Comment by bikemike | 07.17.2008 | 1:50 pm

    The Boss has a new name and that name is Elden!

  5. Comment by randomhigh | 07.17.2008 | 2:32 pm

    you must share your secrets for navigating the healthcare beaurocracy, o great one!

    meanwhile, more prayers and good luck to Susan!!

  6. Comment by Mark | 07.17.2008 | 2:36 pm

    Nice moves on the appointment. Navigating bureaucracy is a life skill that it’d be nice not to need so often but is usually very very useful. Hope the scans prove useful. Best wishes to you and Susan.

  7. Comment by NobbyNick | 07.17.2008 | 3:41 pm

    Now there is something that you could write a best seller on. “How to navigate the Medical Bureaucracy”. Seriously! When we were first married my wife got Hodgekins. I didn’t know what to do or how to react. Luckily Hodgekins in relatively easily cured because I didn’t have a clue about how to shuffle through the bureaucracy. It was all I could do to keep the insurance and hospital bills correlated. Hang in there Elden! WIN SUSAN!

  8. Comment by selentharry | 07.23.2008 | 11:14 pm

    Nice picture of Utah Valley,very good idea for getting to help susan’s to overcome!!

  9. Comment by appointment software | 08.20.2009 | 7:06 am

    Awesome! thanks for adding this

  10. Comment by Herve Leger outlet | 07.11.2011 | 2:05 pm

    we cannot think courtney cox as well as donald arquette are getting the divorce! they were with each other for 11 many years!


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