Free Verse Friday: Races! And Science!

02.1.2013 | 11:54 am

A Note From Fatty: Today, I have two poems for you. Why? Because my heart if full of poetry, that’s why.

Poem 1: The Rockwell Relay
I have spoken
Of a race I love dearly
It is the Rockwell Relay
Moab to St. George
And it hath a special place
In my heart.

Here is my race report for 2011!
And here is my report for 2012

This year
For the third time running
I shall race it again
With the same team as before 

But this time
I would like to urge you
To race it as well

For one thing
It’s a beautiful course
For another thing
It’s a fun format
And for yet another thing
I shall once again
Be cooking bratwurst
For all and sundry
The night before the race 

And for the fourth thing
Which is to say
The thing I want to point out
If you sign up this month
Verily the month of February
At this special Friends of Fatty sign-up page 
The Team Captain will get
A limited edition FatCyclist / Rockwell Relay jersey
like this one:


And furthermore
Others on your team
Can get these jerseys for $50
Which is a good deal 
And will make you matchy-matchy
In a very awesome way.

So maybe this should be the year
You do this wacky
Beautiful race. 

Sign up here

Poem 2: Science!
Shall art and science
Ever find common ground?
Shall they ever sit
At a social gathering
And converse
Not as rivals
But as friends?

They shall do so
And not in distant future
In fact, right now
In this poem

For my twins have finished
Their science fair project
Wherein they compared
The similarity of identical 
And fraternal twins

IMG 6020 

And in this project
The twins discovered
That identical twins
Are more alike
Than fraternal twins
By a large margin 
And that this similarity
Doesn’t go away
Even as  twins age

IMG 6023 

IMG 6026

Which is all well and good
But my favorite part was
How excited my girls were
To get an honorable mention
In the science fair:

IMG 6027 

So I say to all of you
Who participated in my twins’ project
Thank you
You had a part
In helping two little girls
Have a really good day.


  1. Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 02.1.2013 | 12:08 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS!!!! Awesome accomplishment.

    Unfortunately I will not be able to show this to my own 11y.o girl, since she will immediately point out that the Nelson girls have phones and she doesn’t.

    and in closing
    may i say

    thank you.

    Actually, they have iPod Touches, not phones. – FC

  2. Comment by MattC | 02.1.2013 | 12:37 pm


    Your daughter
    should not feel too bad.
    As I,
    Yes, me, Marsupial MattC,
    haveth not a phone.
    (a real phone, I mean).
    When you see me,
    you will surely see.
    No phone. And thus,
    when I am not at work,
    Nor at home,
    I cannot be bothered.
    Which is cool,
    in a Marsupial way.
    My pouch
    is thus empty.

    Thank you.

    For what it’s worth, my twins don’t have phones either. They text me from their iPods. Which works great as long as they are near the home WiFi. – FC

  3. Comment by Marsupial MattC | 02.1.2013 | 12:50 pm

    Oh, and congrats girls…I was so caught up lamenting the fact that even 12 year olds have better phones than I that I forgot to send my praise.

    And I also noticed that the desktop had lost davidh’s “Marsupial” portion of my handle. I blame Jeannie (I’ve been away on travel the last 2 weeks, just got home today).

    It’s better now.

  4. Comment by UpTheGrade SR,CA | 02.1.2013 | 1:21 pm

    Well done on the weight loss Fatty, bean dip notwithstanding. I’m fighting a cold and going in the wrong direction, weight wise.
    Great job to your girls – budding scientists!

  5. Pingback by Free Verse Friday: Races! And Science! | Bicycle News Gator | 02.1.2013 | 1:39 pm

    [...] the original here: Free Verse Friday: Races! And Science! This entry was posted in and tagged fraternal, friends, good, identical, jersey, [...]

  6. Comment by Mukrider | 02.1.2013 | 2:04 pm

    I love how the twins appear have Rockwell relay shirts on :)

    Serendipity! – FC

  7. Comment by leroy | 02.1.2013 | 4:25 pm

    I was going to say that I was beside myself with happiness for your daughters’ accomplishment, but my dog pointed out that could make me part of a set of triplets and retroactively disqualify my brother and me from their study.

    Next year, if your daughters want to study how many times you can fool a dog playing fetch by faking the throw, I have a volunteer they can borrow.

  8. Comment by Heidi | 02.1.2013 | 4:36 pm

    Epic Results
    ordinary results
    any day of the week!
    Rock on, twins.

    Thank you.

  9. Comment by Jeff Bike | 02.1.2013 | 5:25 pm

    Blond young ladies
    Sitting so pretty
    Demonstrating the brain power
    Showing that twin
    Is twice as good
    To do the research
    To compile the data
    To make an epic result
    To make a father proud

    Good Job,well done

  10. Comment by Liz M. | 02.1.2013 | 8:50 pm

    Congrats to the girls! Always great to see when science and learning are also fun.

    Verily I will miss the Rockwell Relay, however, that is an awesome jersey.

  11. Comment by Davidh-Marin,ca | 02.1.2013 | 10:08 pm

    Fatty. I think I can speak for both myself and the Marsupial, when I say it’s reassuring to know that the twins do not have phones, and that they were texting you from their iPods….in the house.

    If there are any other FoF out there interested in joining a Chasing Fatty Rockwell team I’m game. Yann, Angie, Dr.Laura., ???? Second Place ain’t so bad.

  12. Comment by Nurse Betsy | 02.2.2013 | 12:23 am

    Wow, your girls are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

    Thank you

  13. Comment by RANTWICK | 02.2.2013 | 2:05 am

    This “poetry” must stop, man. Kids doing great? Awesome! Killer bike ride? Outstanding! Deep philosophical awakening? Uber awesome. Verse from you and your pals? Terrible. Like wrong terrible.

  14. Comment by BamaJim | 02.2.2013 | 7:48 am

    Congratulations to the girls! Good job for them to do a project that is actually doing a scientific investigation (not that the baking soda and vinegar volcano isn’t fun)

  15. Comment by Colorado mama | 02.2.2013 | 12:55 pm

    Double the fun,double the smarts, double the trouble when the boys come calling. Double the love they give and receive.

  16. Comment by Marsupial MattC | 02.2.2013 | 6:47 pm

    The twins have ipods?

    That TEXT?


    My ipod is a shuffle (gen 1)…no display, a bit bigger than a postage stamp, with a whopping 1-gig memory…

    Thou shall not covet…

    Thou shall not covet…

  17. Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 02.3.2013 | 10:56 am

    @MATTC ‘Shuffle is me on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Is that what you’re talking about?

    I’m backing off Fatty and the electronics. At present my girl and one of her friends are operating the iPad, with the TV Show on, and apparently aware of the story lines in both.

    We can see by the girl’s science project, the ribbon, and who their father is, that they have it all together. Next step is some guest posts, or their own blog. May I suggest the title……Living with a Fatty

  18. Comment by Erin | 02.3.2013 | 12:39 pm

    Epic! Way to go, sororals!

  19. Comment by IbikePhil | 02.3.2013 | 2:29 pm

    My identical twin boys participated to this: they are pleased with the results!!!
    Hope Canadian twins did not jeopardize the results… Might give them ideas for their own science fair, next year. Congratulations! Not easy to raise twins…


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