Helping the Caregivers: Grand Slam for Zambia – The Power of 5

12.9.2013 | 12:32 pm

I wonder how many times in my life the bicycle will amaze me. The way this incredibly topheavy-looking machine manages to stay upright with just a couple square inches of rubber touching the ground. It’s like it’s defying gravity.

Or the way it moves much faster than you otherwise could, while requiring less energy, in spite of the fact that your net weight is higher. It’s like it’s defying the laws of physics.

Or the way they can make you happy, just by being out on one, going somewhere…or nowhere.

Or — and this is what I want to talk about today — the way they can help save lives.

I’ve talked a lot about how World Bicycle Relief bikes donated to kids help them get to school, as well as how bikes give them more time for their work and studies. But WBR bikes are also given to volunteer health caregivers, who use them to visit the people who desperately need their help.

These bikes make it possible for these health caregivers to see more people. To help them get water. To bring them medicine. To get them to the clinic. To give them the moral support they need. To, in short, save their lives. 

Today, I’m lucky enough to be the first person to get to show you the latest video in World Bicycle Relief’s “Mobilize Me” series, about the power of a bike. Please watch what Royce, a volunteer caregiver rural Zambia, is able to accomplish with a Buffalo Bicycle has to say:

So, yes. The $134 bicycle you donate might make it so that a person (no, make that two people, because of the dollar-for-dollar matching) like Royce is able to see five times as many patients. Helping people, educating them, and improving lives throughout her village. 

That amazes me.  And makes me so happy.

I’ve written a little bit more about the volunteer caregivers who get WBR bikes. Take a look at that post…and then take the time to donate. You might win win one of the five incredible bikes we’ll be giving away.


  1. Comment by Jeff Bike | 12.9.2013 | 2:33 pm

    When people are out helping others, it makes you want to help them. If we make a caregivers life just a little easer then they will be able to continue to be a caregiver. They will know others care about them and the selfless work they do. This will encourage them to keep going.
    It takes a special person to be a caregiver. I would find it very hard to not get depressed with the limited amount of good that can be done to relive the suffering of the ill and aged. We can be encouraging with a new WBR bike.

  2. Comment by Paula | 12.9.2013 | 2:52 pm

    Just wanted to thank you for promoting this great organization. I just finished my first Ironman in Cozumel on December 1st. I also raised funds for WBR as part of my event preparation. I received donations from folks that had no idea it existed and were very pleased to help! Keep up the good work.

  3. Comment by Jason | 12.9.2013 | 7:16 pm

    I’m in for a WBR Bike again this year, Fatty! Keep doing the great work you do

  4. Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 12.9.2013 | 10:29 pm

    .2574 to goal and we haven’t even seen the second bike!

    It feels kind of balmy here in Marin 20 degrees F after seeing Fatty’s twitter pic. and 3degrees. Bet I know where he went today:

    It will be easier once he has his FC branded 9:ZERO:7 9zero7-whiteout-carbon-fatbike091513_1047-298×198.jpg

  5. Comment by Slo Joe | 12.10.2013 | 9:21 am

    One more bike donation on the way FC.

    Is there any way you can put the “donate to” link right on the front of the blog? I had to go searching. (remember I am slow)

    You doing gooder stuff. Thanks.

  6. Comment by Wife#.667 | 12.10.2013 | 12:35 pm

    “I am always happy when I ride my bike.”

    That made me cry. In a good way. *sniff*

  7. Comment by M | 12.11.2013 | 2:47 pm

    This guy’s open attitude made me think of you, Fatty.

  8. Pingback by The Dark Side of Fat Loss | lose weight programs | 01.9.2014 | 2:41 am

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