Help My Twins With Their Science Project
My 11-year-old twins have a great idea for their science project, but they need some Guinea pigs to help. If you’re a twin or if you have twins (at least 10 years old, please), I’m hoping you’ll take a little time to help out.
What They’re Doing
My girls (who are identical twins) are interested in finding out how similar twin’s abilities are, compared with fraternal twins (of the same gender). They also want to know whether twins stay about the same as they get older or whether they become more different as they have their own experiences.
I think it’s a terrific idea — certainly more ambitious than finding out what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar (although I personally never ever ever get tired of that reaction).
How You Can Help
My twins need other pairs of twins to answer some questions and test themselves doing some tasks — some math, a maze, and some pushups. They need as many twins as possible to participate so they have lots of good data.
There are a couple of restrictions, though:
- Age: The twins must be at least 10 years old. And any twins under 18 who participate must have permission from their parent or legal guardian.
- No mixed-fraternal twins: The experiment will include both identical twins and fraternal twins where both are the same gender, but not boy-girl fraternal twins, because the experiment would be just as likely to test the differences between boys and girls as it would be the differences between twins.
What You Need To Do
If you’re a twin of the kind described above, please click here to download the experiment test packet my girls have prepared and take the test You’ll need to print out the packet (a PDF file) once for each twin. After you and your twin have taken the tests, go to the online survey I’ve helped my twins set up (this is honestly the only part of the experiment I’ve done significant work on) and enter your results. Make sure your twin does the same thing so my girls have both your results.
If you’re not a twin, you probably know some that are! In that case, why don’t you tell them to come over here and participate in this experiment. My girls need all the data they can get!
The tests will be fun and won’t take you very long. And once they’ve finished their project, they’ll post what they’ve learned here.
Thank you!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 01.23.2013 | 2:29 pm
I guess me, myself, and I (being triplets) would not be eligible.
Oh, well, I hope we get to hear the results.
Pingback by Help My Twins With Their Science Project | Bicycle News Gator | 01.23.2013 | 2:41 pm
[...] original here: Help My Twins With Their Science Project This entry was posted in and tagged boy, differences, file, participate, pointless [...]
Comment by TK | 01.23.2013 | 3:10 pm
You should have all your readers complete the test packet and chart the results.
Comment by mykill | 01.23.2013 | 3:18 pm
I call my quads the twins, does that count? But seriously folks, my daughter is friends with a pair that fits neatly in your age bracket. I’ll see if i can wrangle her to wrangle them.
Comment by centurion | 01.23.2013 | 3:21 pm
So not being a twin, I had to take a peek at the test anyway. Are you sure they are only in the 5th grade?
Comment by @terrysrunning | 01.23.2013 | 3:48 pm
I have a set of 14 yr old twin boys. Everyone thinks they’re identical, but have never been DNA tested to be sure(all the other ways to know could have gone either way when they were born) . I’m assuming not knowing for sure makes them not appropriate for this experiment?
Also, I can tell you for sure, as far as the kind of tests you’re talking about (especially the push ups), one of my boys will consistently outperform his twin even with similar abilities because he’s far more driven, aggressive, and competitive. Just a thought.
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 01.23.2013 | 3:50 pm
@mykill If you are successful in your daughter wrangling , twin wrangling, adventure….I’ve got some cats that need herding.
Comment by mtnbound | 01.23.2013 | 4:54 pm
Sorry, I can provide no help right now but I will be able to in 10 years. My wife is delivering twins this coming Monday (unless the full moon this weekend changes the dynamics for an earlier delivery). Best of luck and, as a soon-to-be father of twins, I would be interested in the survey results.
Comment by Clydesteve | 01.23.2013 | 5:10 pm
off-topic note. Fatty re: baking soda and vinegar – I totally agree with your assesment, but you should see what happens when you add in some Pepto-Bismo, for color. Do it inside to maximize excitement.
Comment by Clydesteve | 01.23.2013 | 5:11 pm
That was my 10-y-o self remembering.So, not completely off-topic.
How come today’s 10-y-olds are so much more grown up than we were?
Comment by Marsupial MattC | 01.23.2013 | 5:17 pm
Rats…I’m still stuck in the maze! HELP!
Comment by Grant | 01.23.2013 | 5:18 pm
And to be unhelpful twice over, I have 2yo b/g twins… and they couldn’t be more different :)
Comment by warren | 01.23.2013 | 5:55 pm
Good idea. Clever girls…
Comment by Susan's Sister Christine | 01.23.2013 | 9:00 pm
Katie and Carrie–what a cool project. I just talked to some 13 year old twins that I know that would love to participate (they love things that have to do with twins). We’ll try to get that done in the next couple of days.
Love you guys.
Aunt Christine
Comment by Kris | 01.23.2013 | 9:45 pm
My twin 8 yr 10 mth old boys would love to if you are short on subjects. Let me know.
Comment by Marsupial MattC | 01.23.2013 | 10:01 pm
Hmmm…I can only offer my twins: remaining brain cell #1 and rbc #2. They’re not much into pushups tho I must warn you now. And they’re a teensy bit older than 10. However they’re almost totally unused…so there is that.
What were we talking about?
Comment by Leroy | 01.23.2013 | 10:02 pm
I have a fraternal twin brother. I’ll see if he will do the test with me. We are very, very different. We might have to skip the push ups. Would that be okay?
Comment by Austin | 01.23.2013 | 10:11 pm
I’ll work on my twin as well. The pushups might throw him off tho…
Comment by John | 01.23.2013 | 10:23 pm
What a shame my 19yo boy/girl twins are ineligible. They’re both science nerds, so I’m sure they’d be right into this!
Comment by Jenni | 01.23.2013 | 10:33 pm
I always wanted to be a twin. You guys are so lucky.
Comment by Kate | 01.24.2013 | 1:30 am
I’m totally going to pass this along to MIL, if only because the mental image of her and her sister (obviously BOTH in their early 70s) in a push-up competition is too hilarious to pass up.
Comment by Patrick | 01.24.2013 | 5:16 am
I believe Levi knows the Velits twins…
Comment by Tom S. | 01.24.2013 | 9:29 am
I will pass this on to my wife!
Comment by TominAlbany | 01.24.2013 | 10:28 am
Comment by Kukui | 01.24.2013 | 11:02 am
Will identical triplets count? If so, I’ll pass this on to my triplet cousins.
Cool experiment! =)
Comment by Tanner Lovelace | 01.24.2013 | 11:19 am
I emailed the link to my younger brothers who are twins.
Comment by George | 01.24.2013 | 11:26 am
I have a strange craving for Doublemint gum.
Comment by Ginger-Schminger | 01.24.2013 | 2:38 pm
OK…so I totally just printed out pages 4 & 5 of the test even though I’m not a twin (although I do have twin half-brothers). However, I am a giant nerd who loves puzzles, mazes and math. Oh yeah, and bikes…LOVE bikes!
Comment by Terry Barnes | 01.24.2013 | 3:27 pm
Saw a video of a complaint choir and one of the singers was wearing your jersey!! Thought you’d like to see.
Comment by Cyclin' Missy | 01.24.2013 | 3:28 pm
Neat! I know some twins, but they are a boy-girl fraternal pair. Otherwise, I would be sending them here. Cool study!
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 01.24.2013 | 4:49 pm
I think you just found a rare sighting of the Divine Ms. Jenn! Though I haven’t had the pleasure, she is known around town to be often decked out in the official Team Fatty gear.

Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 01.24.2013 | 4:49 pm
Comment by davidh-marin,ca | 01.24.2013 | 4:50 pm
They do say though she’s a larger than life personality.
Comment by Britta Nelson | 01.24.2013 | 10:18 pm
I’m so excited to participate! I’m a fraternal twin. I just sent this info to my twin and several others I know. Great job gals!
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[...] in 10 years. My wife is delivering twins this coming Monday (unless the full mo [...]…
Comment by SLL | 01.25.2013 | 8:56 am
I sent to some twin sets I know. I am psychologist so if the girls need help with some background or data analysis, let me know.
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[...] daughters look At their dataFor their science projectHopeful, yet concerned.“There must be more twins out there,” They sayAnd I assure them [...]
Comment by Heather | 01.25.2013 | 6:20 pm
Hi – my twin daughters just completed the packet and one entered her results in your online survey. When the other twin tried to enter her results, the survey said it was already completed. Do you have some help for those of us who are technically challenged?
Comment by Tracy Elliott | 01.27.2013 | 12:00 pm
I am an identical twin (age 41) and I have identical twin boys who are 4 years old. I would LOVE to see the results of this project!! I will talk to my twin sister and complete the survey to be included in your research!! Have fun!!!
Comment by Janet Konikow Fuhr | 01.28.2013 | 4:16 am
My sister and I are identical twins. Almost 45 years old. Have LOTS of cool and interesting stories to tell…I will fwd this to my twin sister and take the test in your packet. Very interesting science project! More soon! Twin #2
Comment by Tim | 01.28.2013 | 9:00 pm
I’ll get it to my wife and her sister…
Comment by Rio and Jaye | 01.31.2013 | 10:58 am
Hey, girls!! My identical twin and I were alerted to this through mutual identical twin friends! haha! We’d love to take your survey! Your science project will be an easy A with Twin Power! Yay, Twins!